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How to Create Amazon S3 Buckets

How to Create Amazon S3 Buckets

In order to upload files to Amazon S3, you first need to create a bucket. The same way that a physical bucket can hold water, Amazon S3 buckets hold files and directories inside of them.

Read this guide and learn how you can setup your own Amazon S3 bucket.

Log into AWS

Log into your AWS account. If you don’t already have a AWS account, create one now.


Go to S3 Configuration Panel

After you’ve logged in, on the top navigation menubar click the Services link


From the drop-down list, select S3 which is located within the Storage section


Create a Bucket

Once you’re on the S3 configuration panel page, click the Create bucket button


You will now be prompted to create a unique name for your bucket and select the region it will be hosted in.


It’s recommended that you keep the default option of not granting public read access, as otherwise anyone with your bucket name will be able to view your files.


After reviewing that your bucket’s settings are correct, click the Create bucket button.


Congratulations! You’ll now see your newly created bucket in the bucket list.


Did you find this guide useful? Did you follow it to make your first bucket on Amazon S3? Let us know in the comments below.

© Eric Mathison 2017-2020.